No offence, but it seems like the whole world is getting married. Seriously, Is that like the latest trend in Singapore that I'm missing out? I understand for people who have been in like the longest relationship and are both financially and mentally ready for a marriage, I'm really happy for them (Like stella and ruoxin) but really, there's this small group of people (aged 21-23) are for sure falling into this deep deep hole trend, I see happening on my facebook newsfeed every now and then. When I say every now and then, I meant EVERY NOW AND THEN I will run into kel's room or she comes running into mine and say in disbelief, "Do you know who and who is getting married? WTF" I understand that you are falling in deep love and think that the guy is your right one but why is there a need to prove it by getting married? Why don't you wanna enjoy the sweetest moment in a relationship and why do you wanna compromise your freedom? It is not like I'm against marriage or anything, but I feel like the girls out there are taking marriage too lightly especially when they are so young. Just because your friend or somebody next door is getting married, doesn't mean you should too. I know, I know, diamond ring looks good and Prince charming is so perfect but WHAT'S THE RUSH? Then again, who am I to judge?
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