Sunday, March 06, 2011

Your heart doesn't lie, only the brain does

Somtimes, I just have difficulties identitfying the true faces of people. My inability of differentiating lies and LIES has officially brought me to this phase of my life where I would probably say 'Oh fuck, he/she just lied to me AGAIN'. Honestly how pathetic, when I totally see that coming. Well Well, what can i say?

Jason (my friend), once told me that if you got cheated for the 1st time, you're just too kind. On the 2nd time you're just too gullible and on the 3rd time, well, what's that word... ermm oh, DUMB. Perfectly in my case, totally beyond dumb I am. Best part of all comes in a set with me wallowing in drepression and self deprecation, swearing my life out that I wouldn't believe a single shit from that person. Until this process is done, it cycles again. Maybe it's just me, that lil' part of me choose to forgive those lies and believe in repenting. But then again, my inability never fails me. So, now that I have a perfect life, I don't see why I should get affected nor disrupted by people like these.

Jason also said there's 2 types of people in this world, " People you need and people you don't"

Nah, Ain't my version bud. I'd stay with this, " People you trust, you used to and you never will"

PS: Apart from this negative post, I really wanna talk bout how awesome my life back here is.

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