Saturday, March 12, 2011


They say the beach tranquil your soul. How can i not agree to it? I know it's pretty ironic after last night's discussion about the earthquake and tsunami that wiped out Japan with my girls, and this morning we hit the beach enthusiastically. I hate to think that the other part of the world is drowned entirely, and here we are having the best time of our lives swimming in the beach. I can't help but to feel guilty; guilty for feeling happy.

The road that got splitted into half , exactly depicts that familiar scene in the movie "2012". It kept me thinking about the so called world-is-ending truth. I come to realise that none of them really matter anyways. Even if the world isn't ending, the possibility of getting knocked down by a car or getting murdered by some miscreants on the road is still there. And I, really should learn to comprehend that there are some things in this world you just can't do anything about.

PS: I didn't mean to sound so pessimistic but I really did have a great day.

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