Recently, I've been pretty hooked onto cooking blogs and I really do feel extremely grateful to how social media and Internet has tremendously helped people like me (overseas students) satisfy my home-food sickness by generously contributing their home recipes. I mean let's be real, I can't possibly cook 365 different dishes a year and I am personally not that person who's able to eat the same old food over and over AND besides that, I'm feeding a house for four so it's really that big of a deal not to be repetitive and boring. Apart from accomplishing the 'chores' of cooking, part of me actually do very much enjoy cooking itself. I guess this unknown interest was unleashed only when I'm in ADL.
The reason why I especially liked these blogs is because not only some of the recipes has been tested and proven (by me), the pictures are also very professionally well taken. Believe me, when I say well taken it is very much equivalent to gastronomically appealing so I highly recommend not to view it in the middle of the night. As both my bf and kel are huge fans of Japanese Green Tea, I've made the 'Melt-in-mouth German Cookies (green tea flavoured)' a couple of days ago from happyhomebaking's recipe and it turned out really well. The melting of the cookies were literal and the green tea taste was light and fragrant for a non sweet tooth person like me. I should have taken the picture of those I've made but I was too lazy (as usual) but at least the photos from the blog are worth showing.

My current favorites FOODIES BLOGS are:
The reason why I especially liked these blogs is because not only some of the recipes has been tested and proven (by me), the pictures are also very professionally well taken. Believe me, when I say well taken it is very much equivalent to gastronomically appealing so I highly recommend not to view it in the middle of the night. As both my bf and kel are huge fans of Japanese Green Tea, I've made the 'Melt-in-mouth German Cookies (green tea flavoured)' a couple of days ago from happyhomebaking's recipe and it turned out really well. The melting of the cookies were literal and the green tea taste was light and fragrant for a non sweet tooth person like me. I should have taken the picture of those I've made but I was too lazy (as usual) but at least the photos from the blog are worth showing.
It doesn't happen very often when both of our off-day from work meets but apparently, this week seems pretty good on us. We went to catch a movie called 'TED' which so brainlessly hilarious! Definitely a great movie to watch over the weekend. I WANT A TALKING TEDDY BEAR WHO SWEARS~~~~

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