Wednesday, January 11, 2012


For the first very long time, I'm excited about growing up. 'Growing up' always seemed to be my perfect parallel line because most people in my life thinks that I'm older than they actually thought and you know they naturally think that there's no need for more 'growing up' and I do have to admit that it has been the truth all these while. I've ended school at 16 and started working in an events company at 17. I spent a year of my barely teenage life with working adults and people who are way out of my league in terms of society wise but I've always looked upon it as a blessing in disguise. When I finally turned 18, I flew to Adelaide for University. The freshman year was undeniably heaps of fun and crazy party, making lots of new friends. I do have to admit it is the kinda stereotype overseas student life. Then comes Year 2 where the boy comes into the picture. I believe every girl has that to-do-list-with-bf hence it was really the time to put into good use. I do feel very lucky and am very much in love now. As much as my friends and family think that I've already 'grown up', maturity wasn't always put into place. I've met people that I can't trust but trusted them wholeheartedly anyways. But, I guess for every bad that happen comes a good one in return. I have a handful of great friends by my side and I'm really grateful.

2012 started off hectic. I was busy looking for new houses, planning my Europe trip, drawing budget plans. The house that we eyed for was extremely beautiful. It is what you would call a dream house and hopefully, *crossed fingers* we'll get that dream house. After my Europe trip, I'll be finishing my one last semester and I'll be officially a University Graduate! I think it is somehow a bigger dream, to me, to Kel and to our parents. I can't wait for that day to come. Have a great year ahead KIMMY!!! 

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