Friday, November 18, 2011


 I remember when I was younger like really young, I had my eye on this barbie that costs like 20 bucks but at that age, 20 bucks was like a huge thing so I could only look at it as that barbie on the shelf. Now that I'm all grown and I could easily slides those notes out of my wallet to purchase my wish, yet they aren't anymore. I mean how ironic is it that you finally could afford something of your wish and suddenly it became something that you don't want. Maybe it's that ' unreachable' feeling that we all are looking for, and the feeling where is lurking beneath that keeps life going. 

I couldn't agree more to how much growing up changes the cycle. I was lying on my bed, thinking bout how much I've change, thinking about how much I used to want something and don't now, how much I hated something and start liking it now and the string of thoughts went forever. And all of these thoughts made me realise that what i always perceived as 'personalities' are in fact 'habits' that stays in me. Let me put it this way. I could say with assurance that I'm not a morning person and strongly believes its born in me and labelled it as my character and simply say , " Yea that's me",but in fact otherwise.Actually, It is the habits that I religiously believed to be my character. The thing is, I just realised the resistance of changes is sometimes not because you can't but you actually don't want to.

I honestly have no clue where I am driving to and its just one of those nights I am rambling my thoughts away

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