Friday, October 14, 2011


Hay's birthday happened like ages ago, but I just wanna put up some photos because those would definitely be the funniest, funkiest things we've done. I mean even for me, it was an big eye opener *winks innocent big eyes*. I like how we could call the shots when it comes to our friend's birthday, and its usually me who will think of crazy ideas and pranks to surprise them. Yea, you can call that creative. I'll be more than happy to accept that credit. Okay, what I am trying to say is, yea I did come out with the idea of holding Hay's birthday at a stripper club cos' i'm sure with a touch of alcohol infused in her, I'm sure it would be the greatest night of her life -- in a good way. I would love to share those explicit photos of the club, but like i said,its EXPLICIT and really, I am a woman with integrity and ethics so that's all I'm gonna give.

TADA, I'm sorry to Mr-sexy-fireman-with-incredible-8-packs that I posted your photo :p

 Like what kel always sings, "Cheers to the freakin' weekend~"

HALEY (do u like your name?haha), if you are seeing this, hope you enjoy your birthday cos' I truly ruly believe that you are an amazing person that I'll never be able to find someone like you again. Nobody screams ohyishi in the middle of the Japanese restaurant, nobody will ever look at a box of tissue paper like they were a pot of gold, nobody whom will NOT stop eating and lastly, nobody as sweet and kind as you!

PS: I was really taken aback by how much the strippers stripped down. WAHAHA


Anonymous said...

haha omg i lol-ed at the ohyishi! hahaha! epic moment!

Anonymous said...

awwww this was such a lovely post and i love you girls!! hahaha i'll continue to embarrass you all here for as long as i am here and in SG too with my oishiiiii ;)
