Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Unusually unhealthy morning

Good morning world. Well, that sleeping in once in two days come visiting like an old friend once again. I probably would be better off counting sheeps or even dredged up with a million of reasons why i should go to bed but apparently, i was conquered by the overpowering sense of hyper-activeness, sweet. Nope, don't even judge me. I never liked staying up late or sleeping in like there's no tomorrow, it's just well... hmm.. my body, i guess. The worse part of it, I am stucked in a rather awkward hour of how-bout-taking-some nap or how-bout-not-cos'-you're-going-out soon situation.

Speaking of which, I am heading out to get some white shorts for my cny and that's probably like the newest thing on me for that auspicious occasion, nevermind bout the redness. I am almost sure everyone gets less hyped out about a must in getting new clothes or rather 'cny' itself. The only thing that keep me (and heaps of people out there) going is the ang pao (damn, I missed last year's) and the GAMBLING(how can we miss?).

There's an unknown undercurrent of nervousness in me even by thinking bout it. According to my 2011 horoscope, I should gamble my life away cos' it states that i will never lose. So, I firmly believe I am totally makin' a come back. If i ever win enough, I WILL BUY A NEW SOFA FOR MY AUSSIE HOME. Deal.

For a moment, i thought blogging would kill some of my futile time but ain't working, bud. As my eyes swayed right downwards of my laptop, oh well, 5 mins passed. Bummer. Bye people, let's cross my fingers and pray that i won't fall back to sleep and miss out my date totally.


 Our best friend! hahahaha

I really do have to admit that i miss adl more than i expected and intended. Back to my 2nd home soon :)

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